The Texas REALTORS® Political Involvement Committee (PIC) plays a significant role in state-level legislative elections.


  • Rating incumbent lawmakers using a combination of quantitative evaluation and qualitative analysis (detailed below)
  • Working with local boards to accelerate local timeline for TREPAC recommendations and 机会竞赛请求 在某些立法区(a.k.a. “早期接触”)







If your PIC member comes to you with an opportunity for early engagement, you have four options:

  • Pass a local recommendation for early engagement in 一个候选人’s election. TREPAC will consider this race at its next opportunity using your local recommendation and PIC guidance.
  • Oppose a recommendation for early engagement in 一个候选人’s election. The PAC may still consider this race at its next opportunity, but will require a 2/3 vote to override your local position. 如果没有进行投票或没有达到2/3的门槛, you can submit 一个候选人 recommendation on your own timeline.
  • Request additional time to process the recommendation on early engagement in 一个候选人’s election. (联系人员)
  • Take no action or remain neutral on early engagement in 一个候选人’s election: TREPAC may still consider this race at its next opportunity.


  • 早期接触– legislative races in which TREPAC may vote to support an announced candidate ahead of the official filing period (November – December in odd years)
    • Recommendations for early engagement can come from the PIC or a local board
    • Perpetual campaigns – Identify the need to get involved early due to the perpetual nature of the modern political environment
    • 面试——仍然是面试过程的一部分, use your discretion to determine if an “interview” is necessary


的图片 is charged with “rating” legislators and candidates to provide guidance to local boards and the TREPAC Trustees.

  • 候选人的类别
    • 办公室持有者
      • 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®冠军 – 一个候选人 with a demonstrated track record of significant support for REALTOR® Party positions; who has demonstrated REALTOR® support through other (non-voting) activity, such as carrying legislation; who may have notable leadership roles within the legislature or political parties; who has been receptive and responsive to Texas REALTORS® and 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分.
      • 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的朋友 – 一个候选人 with a demonstrated track record of support for REALTOR® Party positions; who has been receptive and responsive to Texas REALTORS®, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分, 以及当地的协会.
      • 现任 – 一个候选人 who currently holds the office for which he/she is seeking re-election.
    • 席位
      • 友好的候选人 – 一个候选人 with known support for REALTOR® Party positions; who has been receptive and responsive to Texas REALTORS® and 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分.
      • 不友好的候选人 – 一个候选人 with known opposition to REALTOR® Party positions; who has been unreceptive and unresponsive to Texas REALTORS® and 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分; running against an incumbent.
    • 席位
      • 友好的挑战者 – 一个候选人 with known support for REALTOR® Party positions; who has been receptive and responsive to Texas REALTORS® and 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分; running against an incumbent.
      • 不友好的挑战者 – 一个候选人 with known opposition to REALTOR® Party positions; who has been unreceptive and unresponsive to Texas REALTORS® and 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®成分; running against an incumbent
  • 候选人的评估
    • 现任者
      • 定量评价 
        • Numerical grade based on Texas REALTORS® legislative priorities
        • Considers all votes on all priority bills (including committee votes) and amendments
      • 定性(员工/图片/本地)
        • 竞争力水平
        • 当地的英特尔
        • 大堂团队输入
          1. 幕后故事
          2. 立法背景
          3. 委员会的任务
          4. 接受/响应
    • 挑战者/席位
      • 候选人的问卷调查和访谈
      • 政治经验
        • 当选/指定位置
        • 被当选人雇用?
        • 社区参与
      • 专业的2021十大正规彩票app经验
      • 与当地委员会/州的关系,如果有的话
      • 对问题的哲学认同
      • 活动的可行性
        • 社区支持
        • 筹款
        • 竞选活动


  • TREPAC直接出资 – contributions of hard (non-corporate) dollars directly to 一个候选人 or candidate’s campaign; Local boards may submit TREPAC request forms for state-level legislative races.
  • 协调的政治活动 – in-kind contributions using TREPAC non-corporate dollars done with or at the request of the candidate or the candidate’s campaign; examples may be a sending a 直接邮件er, 买院子招牌, 提供合同工, 共享投票, 或者举办见面会.
  • 比赛的机会 – a REALTOR®-facing campaign in support of a TREPAC-supported candidate using Texas REALTORS® corporate dollars. These races are requested by local boards and conducted in candidates’ districts and from state association headquarters. 的图片, 当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, and Texas REALTORS® Field Reps concentrate on mobilizing district REALTORS® to vote for the supported candidate. Examples of mobilization include placing REALTORS® at the polls, 会员对会员电话银行, 直接邮件, 2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®——网页, 和电子邮件. Local boards may learn more and request opportunity races here.
  • 独立的支出 – Political communication funded by corporate dollars (Texas REALTORS® or Texas REALTORS® PAC) or non-corporate TREPAC dollars that expressly advocates for or against 一个候选人. “独立”一词至关重要, as it signifies that the advocacy is not made in cooperation, 咨询, 与…一致, 应…的要求或2021十大正规彩票app, 一个候选人, 候选人的PAC, 政党, 或任何其他实体.
合法的注意: Coordination between the corporate and non-corporate sides is illegal. Texas REALTORS®’ internal firewall is a complete communication blockade between the corporate side (Texas REALTORS®/Texas REALTORS® PAC) and the non-corporate side (TREPAC) regarding supported candidates, 贡献量, 以及宣传工作. 公开信息可以自由使用.